For the first time, production figures reach the level of 1,000 vehicles a month ordered by the British. The milestone is marked by a small ceremony. Apart from slight fluctuations, the monthly production figures remain at this level until the beginning of 1948 because the necessary volumes of raw materials and components cannot be obtained. Total production for the whole of 1946 was 10,020 cars.
30 MARCH 1946 – WOLFSBURG. Volkswagen – 1,000 cars for March.

Up to 1946, staff turnover was high with the main reasons being lack of food and the awful housing situation. Many workers were living in huts, some even with their families. The transport system was in ruins and an hour on foot to get to work was not unusual. Wages didn’t mean much as there was nothing to buy. The men building the cars worked long hours with a great deal of hard, manual labour in harsh, noisy conditions, often hungry and very tired. – Pete Frost
14 OCTOBER 1946 – WOLFSBURG. Volkswagen – 10,000.