1970 Popkever

Country and/or Category: [ Landmark Edition ], Netherlands, Spring Edition | VIN range: not known | S-code(s): not known |
Extras/Options M-code(s): none

Paint and Upholstery:

L40M Pop Lilac (5134) / (M135) Leatherette Beige
L51M Beat Blue (51**) / (M135) Leatherette Beige
L63M Hippigrün (5136) / (M135) Leatherette Beige

Technical Data:

1300cc typ.113 badged “VW_1300”.

Factory Fitted Optional Equipment:



Verified by the May 1970 issue of “de VW” published by Pon’s Automobilehandle 100 examples were supplied to The Netherlands and were marketed as part of a Spring Bank Holiday sales campaign in May 1970 as the Popkever with an extra price of 98.56 guilders.

Thanks to Dutch enthusiast Wiebren Huizinga for his translation of the “de VW” information. Images courtesy Alfred Beumer. 

This page last modified: 2021-03-08