1975 Jeans III

Country and/or Category: Export, Germany (Inland) | VIN range: 115 2020 344 - 115 2600 000 | S-code(s): S744, W05 |
Extras/Options M-code(s): Z06, M 042, M 046, M 123, M 124, M 227, M 248, M 289, M 549, M 610, M 649

Paint and Upholstery:

L20C (76, 92, L6, E5) Nepalorange / *** (C*) Jeansblau (Inland)
L16M (E9, U3) Tunisgelb / *** (C*) Jeansblau (Export),
L20B (07, E1) Leutchtorange / *** (C*) Jeansblau (Export)
L28N (**) Orange paintwork / *** (C*) Jeansblau (Export)

(Tunisgelb was a unique SEB paint colour with the other three colours being variously available of VW range vehicles).

Accent to the paintwork was provided by all black external trim and a satin black rallye stripe to the lower body sides carrying the lettering “jeans”. A similar style “jeans” logo was carried on the engine lid.

Technical Data:

1200cc typ. 111 badged “jeans”
1200cc typ. 113 badged “jeans”

Factory Fitted Optional Equipment: Special denim upholstery coordinated to the paint colour, Rear fog light,
M 976 4½J x15 (ET41) (Lemmerz”GT”) sports wheels and
M pack Z 06 which comprised of:
M 040 Speedometer with fuel gauge
M 102 Heated Rear Window
M 167 Passenger handhold and coathook
M 206 rear view mirror, inner, anti-dazzle.
M228 Padded Dashboard
M 282 Sun visor (passenger’s side)
M 610 12 volt system.

As well as being one of the black trimmed group of SEBs the Jeans Beetle was also one of the a group of SEBs based on the most basic of all the Beetles – the “economy”, “basic”, “standard” or “spartan” Beetle – Sparkäfer. This meant that a large variation of other M options over and above the basic Jeans package were factory fitted according to the market the cars were sold in.

These included:
M 042 Sealed tyres for Export markets
M 046 Side mounted indicators
M 123 Without radio pre-equipment
M 124 Yellow headlights (French market)
M 227 Seats with integrated headrest
M 248 Ignition starter switch without steering lock
M 289 Shear bolt for steering column tube fixing
M 549 3-point seatbelts in front
M 649 Additional lap belt anchorage for third persons on rear bench Context:
S744 Sonderaktion *Jeans III*
W05 Aktionsmodell “Jeans zum Fahren”.

The Jeans Beetle (III) was produced by Volkswagen AG at Emden & Hannover (Germany) and D’leteren at Brussels (Belgium).

Sales Literature:

Press advertisements and dealer promotional material were published for the Edition in Germany for the home (inland) market.

Further Reading:
The individual profiles for the 1974 Jeans Beetle I, 1974 Jeans Beetle II and 1975 Mexican Jeans
“Retrospectively Speaking” editorial columns RS 002 and RS 005


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This page last modified: 2020-10-05