1975 Urlaubs-Käfer

Country and/or Category: Germany (Inland) | VIN range: not known | S-code(s): S715, W09 |
Extras/Options M-code(s): Z06 (M040, M102, M167, M206, M282, M610) M184, M227, M649, W09

Paint and Upholstery: 

L10A (D7) Rallyegelb  / (83) lava/schwarz 

L32K  (G5) Phoenixrot / (22) yellowstone

L61A (N7) Cliffgrün /  (22) yellowstone 

(all these were standard paint colours for the 1975 Beetle saloon)

Technical Data: 

1200cc typ. 111 unbadged

1300cc typ. 111 unbadged

Factory Fitted Optional Equipment:

(model based on the 1975 German (Inland) model 1200L)
M184 Automatic seat belts
M227  Higher front seat backrest
M649  Additional lap belt anchorage for third person on rear bench seat
Z06 included comprising:
M040  Speedometer with fuel gauge
M102  Heated Rear Window
M167  Passenger handhold and coat hook (roof edge)
M206  Rear view mirror, inner, anti-dazzle
M282  Passenger’s Sun visor
M610 12 volt system for VW 1200 mit 34PS-Motor


A “holiday package” promotion Edition with associated travel promotions offered by ADAC (German Auto Club).

11,300 examples of the 1200cc and 4000 examples of the 1300cc  Urlaubs-Käfer were produced by Volkswagen AG at Emden (Germany) and possibly Hannover  (Germany).

Sales Literature:

Non produced although magazine adverts promoted the Edition.

Information courtesy Stephen Paul Hardy and Bjorn de Groote. 8pp brochure courtesy Carsten Dettmer. Pictures by Marco.

This page last modified: 2022-12-05