1970 Coccinelle Orange (FR)

Country and/or Category: [ Landmark Edition ], France, Spring Edition | VIN range: not known | S-code(s): not known |
Extras/Options M-code(s): M050, M 079, M102, M162, M218, M228

Paint and Upholstery: 

L20E (5132) Signal Orange / (40) Leatherette Black.

Technical Data: 

1300cc typ.113 badged “VW_1300”

Factory Fitted Optional Equipment: 

M 050 Dual-circuit brake warning lamp
M 079 Leatherette upholstery instead of normal series cloth
M 102 Heated rear window
M 162 Rubber bumper trims
M 218 Wheel trim rings
M 228 Padded dashboard


The French Coccinelle Orange importation of 300 cars was identical to the Meikever supplied to the Netherlands, the Coccinelle Orange supplied to Belgium and the Boblen Orange supplied to Denmark.

Sales Literature:

The French Coccinelle Orange was fully described in a leaflet published by the importer:

“Tout arrive.

On disait jusqu’à présent que la Coccinelle était la voiture idéale pour I’hiver. Avec son moteur refroidi par air qui ne nécessite ni eau ni antigel.
Et la voitre idéale pour I’été, puisqu’elle ne chauffe pas.
Maintenant la voici orange. (Quoi de plus normal pour une Coccinelle).

Avec des siéges en simili cuir noir. Un tableau de bord rembourré. Unelampe témoin pour le double cicuit de freinage.
La lunette arrière chauffante.
Les pare-chocs luxe.

Et les couronnes d’enjoliveurs de roue chromées. Le tout au prix de la VW 1300 normale:
8.290 F (prix T.T.C., ceintures de sécurité en sus).

Mais attention.

Il n’y aura en trout que 300 Coccinelles orange venues d’Allemagne pour faire le printemps en France. C’est-à-dire quelques-unes par ville. Si vous vous dépêchez pas, I’ été risque d’être triste.

De toute facon une Coccinelle orange, c’est une bonne idée non?”

Translation: This year, it’s the Beetle making spring.

Everything happens.

Until now we were saying that the Beetle was the ideal car for the winter. With its air-cooled engine which requires neither water nor antifreeze. And the ideal car for summer, since it does not run hot. Now here it is orange. (What could be more normal for a Beetle).

With seats in black imitation leather. A padded dashboard. A warning lamp for the double braking circuit. The heated rear window. Luxury bumpers. And the chrome wheel trim rings. All at the price of the normal VW 1300: 8,290 F (price including tax, seat belts not included).

But beware.

There will only be 300 orange Beetles coming from Germany to make spring in France. That is to say a few per city. If you don’t hurry, summer might be sad. Anyway, an orange Beetle is a good idea, isn’t it?

Information courtesy Carsten Dettmer. 

This page last modified: 2020-01-26