1972 May Beetle

Country and/or Category: Germany (Inland) | VIN range: not known | S-code(s): F25 |
Extras/Options M-code(s): Z05 ( M047, M094, M102, M102, M162, M206) M102, M172, M228

Paint and Upholstery:

“VW 1200”:

L20B (07) Leuchtorange / Brilliant Orange / Light Orange, Alabaster (52)(basket weave pattern leatherette)

“VW 1302”:

L13M (26) Saturngelb / Saturn Yellow, Black (37)(cloth)

L21E (23) Blutorange / Blood Orange / Tangerine, Alabaster (03)(cloth)

L63K (43) Weidengrün / Willow Green, Leather beige (38)(cloth)

(Leuchtorange used on the 1200 model was a normal 1972 model year colour for the Beetle. The other three colours, used on the 1302 models, were 1972 Karmann palette colours not normally used on standard production Beetles. The 1302 versions therefore had black, instead of paint colour matched, plastic beading between the body and wings)

Technical Data: 

1200cc typ. 111 unbadged

1300cc. typ. 117 (1302) badged “VW 1302”

Factory Fitted Optional Equipment:

“VW 1200”: 

M 102 Heated Rear Window

M 172 Steel-belted radial tires, 155 SR 15, 

“VW 1302”:

An additional package (Zusatzpaket) Z05 comprising of:

M 047  Twin reversing lights

M 094 Engine hood lock

M 102 Heated Rear Window 

M 162 Rubber Bumper Trims

M 206 Rear view mirror, inner, anti-dazzle

Together with:

M 172 Steel-belted radial tires, 155 SR 15, 

M228 Padded dashboard


The May Beetle was a sales promotion Edition offering a saving of  DM 300 over the normal combined list price of the car plus extras. Additionally of course with the 1302 model offered buyers a chance to own a non-standard paint colour finish.

Price for the 1200 was DM 5,555 and the 1302 DM,6,666.

16,300 “VW 1200” and 14,100  “VW 1302” May Beetles were produced by Volkswagen AG at Wolfsburg (Germany) between 15/04/1972 and 16/06/1972. Of these 5,555 and 6,666 respectively were sold on the German home (“inland”) market.

Sales Literature:

Although no brochures were produced for the May Beetle Edition it was promoted by poster style advertisements

Further reading on this website:

SEB Production Articles::

E.3 – Badging

E.4 – Types

E.5 – Wheels

E.6 – European paint inclusive of Tables P-E.1 to P-E.7

This page last modified: 2020-05-06