2004 Sedan AFM

Country and/or Category: [ Dealer Option ], Mexico | VIN range: not known | S-code(s): not known |
Extras/Options M-code(s): not known

The AFM was a special edition produced in the Puebla VW factory during June 2003 for the VW Mexican Dealer Autofinanciamiento Mexico SA. 260 cars were made – 106 cars in L41 Black and 154 in LA7W Reflex Silver Metallic. It cost $110,000 MXP and was only available through AFM Dealers. The engine is 1.6 fuel injection 44hp, with front discs and drum brakes in rear.

The bumpers are painted in car colour with overriders, black headlamp surrounds, whitewall tires, chrome exhaust pipes, right and left rearview mirrors, antenna. Interior is fully carpeted with mats, leather seats, AM/FM/CD four speaker audio system, soft pocket in the drivers side door, day/night rear view mirror and a gas gauge added to the speedometer. The security system has a keyless entry with optical and acoustic alarm.

All information courtesy Jorge A. Martinez Lara Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

This page last modified: 2018-03-02