1975 Carocha Última

Country and/or Category: Export, Portugal | VIN range: 1975: 135 2000 001 - 135 2187 424 | S-code(s): |
Extras/Options M-code(s): 409, 565

Paint and Upholstery:

L98C (W4) Hellas-metallic
L97A ( Z4, Z9) Diamantsilber-metallic
L96M (89, X2) Marathonblau-metallic

Technical Data:

1600cc typ. 135 badged “VW 1303 S”

Factory Fitted Optional Equipment:

M 409  Sports seats
M 565  Sport steering wheel
M ???  5½J x15 (ET27) Kronprinz sports wheels.


The last 1303 imported to Portugal were equipped with Kronprinz sports wheels, that were popular in the country, and the Sports seats known from the Yellow and Black Racer, also it’s sports steering wheel, but in the later, thinner version. The cars came in metallic colours. The badge on the rear lid was “VW 1303 S” which was no longer used in 1975 model year in other markets, where it was replaced by the unitised “VW1303” badge.


Photographs courtesy José Manuel Vieira Patrício, Portugal.

This page last modified: 2023-03-05